By accessing this website (www.kashiadunner.com) you are agree to the below terms and conditions. These terms also apply to all social media content (ie: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Medium, Google+) connected to the site via links. All users should review these terms and conditions carefully and if not in agreement, please refrain from accessing, utilizing, and referencing the sites referenced above.
You agree to the following by accessing this site and its associated social media platforms:
The content, services, and goods offered on this website are designed to be utilized and accessed by individuals over the age of 13 years old. If you are under the age of 13, please refrain from accessing or utilizing this site.
The purpose of this website is to provide and promote the following:
Commentary in the form of blog posts about current events, politics, career, leadership, entrepreneurship, travel, food, fitness, and general lifestyle subjects.
Services that include, but are not limited to: fitness coaching, meal planning, mentorship, photography, career and life coaching, efficiency consulting, social and political commentary, public speaking engagements, travel planning, food styling, and workout planning.
Sell promotional items that advance topics mentioned above and brand of the site owner.
Nakashia (Kashia) Dunner or www.kashiadunner.com (herein, "the owner") is not responsible for any success or failure experienced by individual users for utilizing the advice, commentary, or information provided on the site. It is the responsibility of the user to apply the information provided by the site in the manner most appropriate for their personal goals, health, financial situation, and overall self.
The owner is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that it has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. Additionally, the owner is not a registered nutritionist or certified personal trainer. Advice, experience, and information offered is the result of extensive personal research and trial. The owner is not liable for failure, injury, or any other adverse reactions experienced by individuals who participate in coaching, meal planning, or physical activity.
By participating in any fitness program or regiment offered on this website or its related social media accounts, you acknowledge the possibility of physical injury. By downloading and engaging in programs offered on this website, you agree that you do so voluntarily and at your own risk. You assume all risk of injury to yourself and agree to release the owner from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown.
This website, store, and associated social media platforms linked within were built with a significant amount of passion, creativity, time, money, and swear words. For that reason, all of the content on the website, store, and associated media platforms are the intellectual property of the owner and should not be duplicated, repurposed, reposted, or otherwise used for any purpose without written consent. Failure to request consent will result in legal action and a whole lot of side eye.
All of the content included in this site, store, and associated social media platform - including, but not limited to text, blog entries, blog posts, blog comments, tweets, Instagram comments, Instagram Posts, graphics, photos, graphics, GIFs, or code - is copyrighted as a collective work under the U.S. and international copyright laws and is property of the owner. The mentioned works and content are licensed to the owner, Copyright 2018, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The owner grants users permission to electronically copy and print hard copy portions of the website, its store, and associated social media platforms for the purposes of placing an order; promoting the website, store, and associated social media platforms; and other non-commercial usages. Other use of this material - to include, but not limited to: reproduction, distribution, alteration in an effort to present content as your own original content (such as - but not limited to - cropping, adding filters, mirroring, or any other form of reverse engineering), display, or transmission of the content of this site, its store, and its associated social media platforms unless authorized by the owner is strictly prohibited and violating this agreement will result in legal action. Additionally, you agree not to change or alter information, data, notices, or any other information from the site, its store, or associated social media platforms.
All trademarks, service marks, and tradenames used in the site are trademarks or registered trademarks of kashiadunner.com.
Active participation with the site and its connected social media platforms is highly encouraged - dialogue between diverse groups of people is what makes the world a smaller space. That said, harassment and abusive behavior will not be tolerated in any form. This includes but is not limited to blog entry and social media comments, direct email contact, and contact form entries. Users who engage in this type of behavior will be blocked and their comments deleted.
For the purpose of this agreement, harassment and abusive behavior includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Intimidation and threats
- Spamming
- False claims
- Unwanted sexual advances
- Abuse
- Hateful comments, conduct, and imagery
- Disclosure of private media - to include, but not limited to: intimate photos, videos, or other content; email addresses; physical addresses; and phone numbers.
- Impersonation of the owner or any other organization, individual, or entity with the intent to discredit, incite negative behavior, mislead, deceive, or confuse.
- Any other behavior deemed offensive or unacceptable by the owner.
The hustle is to be admired, however users are not authorized to 1) upload commercial content on this site; or 2) use this site as a platform to advertise, promote, or otherwise endorse a good, service, online service, or other organization. This includes comments in the comment section of the site’s connected blog or its Instagram, Medium, Facebook, Pinterest, GooglePlus accounts. Posts and content violating this term will be deleted from the site or social media platform as appropriate.
If you are interested in collaborating to promote content of mutual interest, please reach out via the comment form and we can discuss further.
The owner reserves the right to disable comments at any time on the site and its associated social media platforms.
In the event that a product is mistakenly advertised or listed for an incorrect price, the owner reserves the refuse the order. In the event that your credit card has been charged for the purchase, a refund will be processed to the card used to make the purchase.
The terms and conditions may be edited, deleted, or modified at any time and at the sole discretion o f the owner. Your continued participation, visits, and purchases following any changes in the terms and conditions constitutes binding acceptance of the changes made.
Last Updated: January 2018